RENS supports and promotes the recognition of relevant national and international observances and initiatives at a local level.

These special days, weeks or months provide a focal point that energises collaborative action. However, we also recognise the importance of continuing related activities throughout the year and ensuring that relevant action and events are ongoing.

All of the activities listed are run entirely by volunteer teams in collaboration with local organisations and we welcome all support for these important initiatives.


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Holocaust Memorial Day

Date: 27 January 2024

Theme: Fragility of Freedom

HMD encourages remembrance in a world scarred by genocide.

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Race Equality Week

Date: 5th to 11th February 2024

Theme: #ListenActChange

Race Equality Week is an annual UK-wide movement uniting thousands of organisations and individuals to address the barriers to race equality in the workplace.

In 2023, RENS promoted three key REW campaigns: #MyNameIs,Virtual badge and 5 Day challenge and ran Watch Together events and discussions at The Other Place.


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International Women’s Day

Date: 8th March

Theme: #InspireInclusion

International Women’s Day is an annual event that celebrates and recognises the achievements of women all over the world.


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UN International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

Date: 21st March

Theme: Combatting racism and racial discrimination, 75 years after the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).

The International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination is observed annually on the day the police in Sharpeville, South Africa, opened fire and killed 69 people at a peaceful demonstration against apartheid “pass laws” in 1960.

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Black Inclusion Week

Date: 13th to 19th May 2024

Theme: Empowered for Change: Building a Better Future Together

Black Inclusion Week is an opportunity to come together to create a society that is fair and inclusive for everyone. It is an opportunity to celebrate, spotlight and amplify Black people across the UK and across all walks of life. 

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Gypsy Roma and Traveller History Month

Date: 1st to 30th June

Theme: #ArtActivism

GRTHM was established in Britain in 2008 as a way of raising awareness of these communities and their contributions to society, and to offset negative stereotyping and prejudices.

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Refugee Week

Date: 17th to 23rd June 2024

Theme: Our Home

Refugee Week is a UK-wide festival celebrating the contributions, creativity and resilience of refugees and people seeking sanctuary. Founded in 1998 and held every year around World Refugee Day, Refugee Week is also a growing global movement.

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World Refugee Day

Date: 20th June

World Refugee Day is an international day to honour refugees around the globe. It celebrates the strength and courage of people who have been forced to flee their home country to escape conflict or persecution. World Refugee Day is an occasion to build empathy and understanding for their plight and to recognize their resilience in rebuilding their lives.

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South Asian Heritage Month

Date: 18th July to 17th August

Theme: Stories to Tell

SAHM first took place in 2020 and seeks to commemorate, mark and celebrate South Asian cultures, histories and communities. It seeks to understand the diverse heritage and cultures of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, The Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka that continue to link the UK with South Asia.

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East and South East Asian Heritage Month

Date: 1st to 30th September

ESEAHM is a month-long, collaborative programme of events, dedicated to East and South East Asian heritage, culture, history and everything in between. It’s a chance to celebrate, acknowledge and learn about the incredible ways in which our communities from countries such as China, Hong Kong, Macau, Japan, Mongolia, North Korea, South Korea, Brunei, Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, have helped to shape the UK.

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Black History Month

Date: 1st to 31st October

Theme: TBA


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National Hate Crime Awareness Week

Date:14th to 21st October 2023

Theme: –

NHCAW exists to encourage Hate Crime Reporting to the police, councils, and independent third-party organisations.

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Anti-Slavery Day

Date: 18th October

Theme: –

Anti-Slavery Day provides an opportunity to raise awareness of human trafficking and modern slavery, and encourage government, local authorities, companies, charities and individuals to do what they can to address the problem.

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Islamophobia Awareness Month

Date: 1st to 30th November

Theme: #MuslimStories

Islamophobia Awareness Month (IAM) is a campaign founded in 2012 by a group of Muslim organisations to raise awareness of Islamophobia. The campaign aims to showcase the positive contribution of Muslims and raise awareness of Islamophobia in society.

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UN International Day for Tolerance

Date: 16th November 2023


An official day to respect and appreciate the rich variety of our world’s cultures, our forms of expression and ways of being human. Tolerance is neither indulgence nor indifference, but recognizes the universal human rights and fundamental freedoms of others. People are naturally diverse; only tolerance can ensure the survival of mixed communities in every region of the globe.

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UN International Day for the Abolition of Slavery

Date: 2nd December


International Migrants Day recognises the important contribution of migrants while highlighting the challenges they face.


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UN International Migrants Day

Date: 18th December


International Migrants Day recognises the important contribution of migrants while highlighting the challenges they face.


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UN International Solidarity Day

Date: 20th December


International Human Solidarity Day is a day to celebrate our unity in diversity; a day to remind governments to respect their commitments to international agreements; a day to raise public awareness of the importance of solidarity; a day to encourage debate on the ways to promote solidarity for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals including poverty eradication; a day of action to encourage new initiatives for poverty eradication.


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